Lace Collar (c. 1625-1640)

Lace collar, sewn in The Netherlands, but the lace was probaby worked in Italy. About 1625-1640. Lace collar, sewn in The Netherlands, but the lace was probaby worked in Italy. About 1625-1640. Courtesy Rijksmuseum Amsterdam acc. no. BK-1978-462.

The Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam houses a remarkable lace collar. It dates to about the second quarter of the seventeenth century. It was sewn in The Netherlands, but the lace itself was probably made in Italy. The collar consists of a linen main piece offset with a large panel of lace. The lace attached to the linen main piece is worked in reticella with square shaped motifs. The scalloped edge is worked in punto in aria.

The linen base of the collar is 66 cm wide; the lace segment is 16 cm wide. This lace collar recalls the needle lace collars known from early sevententh century Britain, and known as Vandykes. See also a seventeenth century needlelace collar.

Rijksmuseum Amsterdam online catalogue (retrieved 14 September 2016).


Last modified on Wednesday, 14 September 2016 19:56