See also another hood of a cope, dating to roughly the same period, also worked in or nué, and also housed in the Amsterdam Rijksmuseum.
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam online catalogue (retrieved 15 October 2016).
The Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam houses a hood of a cope. It dates to c. 1500-1525 and represents the Deathbed of Maria. It measures 50 x 51.5 cm. The embroidery is worked in silk and gold thread on a linen back ground. This is the famous or nué technique, which was very popular in the Netherlands and beyond in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.
See also another hood of a cope, dating to roughly the same period, also worked in or nué, and also housed in the Amsterdam Rijksmuseum.
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam online catalogue (retrieved 15 October 2016).