Angora wool is made up of the under hair (wool) of the Angora rabbit. Because of the hollow core of the fibres, the wool provides more warmth than ordinary (sheep's) wool. It is also much lighter. The fibres are also thin, which produces the fluffiness for which Angora wool is best known. The fibres are normally plucked rather than shaven, which reduces the amount of outer, or guard hairs in the wool.
Camel hair is shed by Bactrian (two-humped) camels in the spring. It is soft and very light. It is often used for weaving coats and other over garments, and sometimes used together with (sheep) wool.
Cashmere is a very fine fibre from the undercoat of the long-haired Kashmir goat (capra hirgus laniger, but currently regarded as a sub-species of the capra aegagrus hircus). It is much softer than normal wool, and it also isolates much better.
Cotton is a vegetable seed fibre consisting of ‘hairs’ attached to the cotton seed in its boll (protective capsule). Cotton comes from several plants of the Gossypium species (family Malvaceae). Cotton fibres are normally soft and fluffy and vary in length from 1.5 to 5 cm. The normal colour of cotton is light to dark cream, although it may be brown or green depending upon the plant variety, the weather and the soil conditions.
Dacron is an American trademark for polyester, a type of synthetic fibre. It was first marketed in the USA in 1951. By the beginning of the twenty-first century the trademark was used for a variety of polyester fibres and products, including an artificial sinew thread that is basically a waxed, polyester yarn.
A filament is the term generally used for a continuous fibre, such as that of silk. WV
Filoselle is the portion of a silk cocoon that is not used for good quality silk cloth, because the filaments are damaged or broken. Filoselle is normally carded, spun and then plied to make silk yarns. Six-stranded filoselle silk embroidery thread became popular in the late nineteenth century for various types of embroidery.
Flax is an upright, annual plant of the genus Linum (family Linaceae). The most widespread version of flax is Linum usitatissimum, which is native to a vast area extending from the eastern Mediterranean to India. The plant is cultivated either for its seed (linseed) or for its fibres.
BBC News on 14 February 2022 published a short article about a bedsheet that was possibly embroidered with the hair of a decapitated man. The bedsheet is in the Museum of London and was acquired in 1934. It will be displayed at a planned exhibition in the Museum of London Docklands, to be opened in October 2022.
Indian hemp (Apocynum cannabinum) is a perennial plant that can be found throughout much of North America. It is a member of the plant species cannabinum, which also includes hemp. It was used by some northeastern Indian groups as a source of a short plant fibre.