The first type is used for single or double thread canvas embroidery. It is worked in alternating vertical and horizontal forms. The stitch is worked from the bottom left to the upper right, and then back again. The first diagonal line is worked with horizontal stitches over two warp threads. When the top right corner is reached, then the line is worked in the reverse direction, but with vertical stitches so creating a --|--|--|-- effect, and in a diagonal line.
The second type is associated with a square net (filet) ground. In this case, the linen stitch (here also known as point de toile or punto a tela) consists of series of horizontal lines darned into the ground. Then a second series of stitches is worked in the vertical direction, going under and over the horizontal lines. This form is often classed as a form of filet lace, and sometimes as a form of guipure d'art.
Source: WEBB, Mary (2006). Embroidery Stitches, Cape Town: Struik/Quantum Publishing Ltd, p. 256.
Digital source of illustration (retrieved 8th July 2016).