Embroidery stitches
Interlaced stitches are a group of stitches in which there is a line of ‘foundation’ stitches and a second thread (sometimes a third one). The second thread is interlaced through the foundation stitches without entering the ground material. The second thread regularly returns on itself. This group is comparable to the threaded stitches, but the secondary threads of the latter group do not return on themselves.
The interlocking blanket stitch is a variation on a blanket stitch, whereby two rows of blanket stitches are worked that interlock with each other. The two rows are worked separately and may be worked in the same colour or in two, often contrasting colours. The stitches may be worked very close to each other or clearly separate. Mary Thomas calls this stitch a double blanket stitch.
The isolated back stitch is a form of back stitch, in which a significant gap is left between each stitch. Back stitches are normally worked from right to left. The needle is brought out a short distance from the beginning of the line to be covered. It is then inserted again at the beginning of the line, thus taking a step backwards. The needle then emerges at some distance beyond the point where it first started.
The Italian cross stitch is made up of a cross stitch that covers three vertical and three vertical (canvas) threads, within a square formed by four straight stitches.
The Italian hem stitch is a type of hem stitch. While the normal hem stitch is worked with one line of drawn horizontal threads and a series of stitches that combine clusters of verical threads. The Italian hem stitch has another line of drawn horziontal threads, whereby the thread combines the cluster of vertical threads in the first line and another cluster with the same vertical threads in the second line.
The Japanese stitch is an embroidery technique that consists of a horizontal satin stitch worked along diagonal lines. It is associated with Japanese screens.
A kantha stitch is identical to a running stitch, and used for (Indian) kantha work. GVE
The Kensington stitch was originally called opus plumarium (‘plumage’ or ‘feather work’), due to its resemblance to the plumage of a bird. The Kensington stitch may be appropriately used for working out any floral design, no matter where the finished work is to be used. It is also sometimes used for working animals, human figures and landscape details, such as rocks or hills, where a massed effect of light and shade is desired.
Keshi-nui is the Japanese term for an embroidery technique that creates work small dots, as for instance for a family crest. WV
Khaarek is a form of satin stitch used for counted thread work in western India (Kutch). Khaarek embroidery is carried out by Sodha, Rajput and Meghwal communities. Geometric patterns are first outlined on a fabric and then filled in with bands of satin stitches (kharek) that are worked along the warp and weft from the front.
Kiri-osae-nui (lit. cut-and-anchor stitch') is a laid work technique, in which a larger thread is fixed to the ground material by a series of small diagonal stitches.
Kloster stitch is a form of couching used during the medieval period in Northern Europe (especially in what is now Germany). The Kloster stitch is especially associated with monastic establishments (known in German as a Kloster), hence the name of the stitch. It is a form of a single thread couching stitch, which is now also called Bokhara couching.
The knotted buttonhole stitch looks very much like a blanket stitch and is often used to fasten the edges of a buttonhole, since it is much stronger that the buttonhole stitch because of the knots.
The knotted cable stitch is a composite stitch, which combines a chain stitch with a coral stitch, in a straight line or in a curve. It is also known as the knotted cable chain stitch.