Embroidery stitches
The Portuguese knotted stem stitch is a whipped stitch, which is created by working a stem stitch the thread twice. and then bringing up the needle at the centre, to one side, and whipping the thread twice. After the second stem stitch has been made, both stem stitches are whipped twice. After the third stem stitch has been made, the second and third stem stitch are whipped twice, etc.
The prick stitch is a back stitch that is used for very delicate fabrics. The stitches are very small on the obverse of the fabric, and spaced within a short distance of each other.
The Quaker stitch was invented by Anne Wynn-Wilson while designing and embroidering the Quaker tapestry. She describes it as a form of corded stitch.
The queen stitch is a composite stitch that is generally worked on a canvas and forms a diamond shape. It is mentioned by the poet John Taylor (1578-1653). The technique is also known as the Renaissance stitch or rococo stitch.
The raised chevron stitch is a composite stitch, created by first making a line of diagonal stitches in V-shapes. Subsequently a line of chevron stitches is threaded across the line of diagonal stitches, without entering the ground material, apart from the end and beginning of the line.
Raised gobelin stitch is a nineteenth century English term given to a gobelin stitchthat is worked over a cord to create a padded or raised effect.
Refilsaumur is the Icelandic term for laidwork. The earliest reference to this term dates from the mid-sixteenth century.
The rep stitch is a counted thread technique for double thread (Penelope) canvas, whereby simple stitches are worked diagonally over the intersection of the canvas threads.
The reverse chain stitch is worked in the opposite way to the ('normal') chain stitch. If the chain stitch is worked from the top to the bottom, the reverse chain stitch is worked from the bottom to the top. The reverse chain stitch is also known as the broad chain stitch.
The reversed mosaic stitch is comparable to the diagonal mosaic stitch, but different cells of three stitches (two short diagonal stitches flanking a large diagonal stitch) are worked in opposite direction to each other.