Embroidery stitches
The chain stitch with single spike is a variation on a chain stitch, whereby an extra step is included in order to create a single spike that comes out of one side of the chain stitch. This spike can be vertically, horizontally or diagonally worked. It may also be worked on alternating sides of a series of chain stitches, and so forth.
See bi-coloured cross stitch. Also referred to as the chequered cross stitch.
The chequered chain band is an embroidery technique that is worked downwards and with two needles, often with threads with different colours. This composite stitch is often used to create a wide border.
See bi-coloured cross stitch. Also referred to as the checked cross stitch.
The chevron stitch is an embroidery technique often used for lines and borders. It is worked in a similar manner to a herringbone stitch and on a double line.
In the closed buttonhole stitch the legs are placed in a diagonal, rather than straight line as with the 'normal' buttonhole stitch, creating a line of triangles along a straight line.
The closed feather stitch is worked from top to bottom and can be used as a border. It basically is a feather stitch, in which the 'V's are brought together, creating a ladder-like appearance. It is often created by first drawing two parallel lines from top to bottom.
The closed herringbone stitch is an embroidery technique that is worked from left to right along an imaginary double line. It is worked in exactly the same manner as the herringbone stitch, except that the crossed points of the stitches touch each other at the top and the bottom of the imaginary lines.
The cloud filling stitch was traditionally used to fill motifs in crewel work. It is generally carried out in two different colours.
The coil filling stitch is a composite stitch often used in drawn thread work. It is created from right to left, with three satin stitches worked over four horizontal threads, and between two vertical threads. Four threads are left between each coil.
The colonial knot is a variation of the French knot. With the French knot, the thread is simply twisted twice around the needle before it is inserted into the fabric; with the colonial knot, the thread is twisted in a form of '8'.
A composite stitch is made up of two or more different stitches. This type of stitch is sometimes referred to as a compound stitch.