Embroidery stitches
The continental tent stitch is a variation of the tent stitch, whereby the diagonals at the back are longer than those at the front.
A coral stitch is a knotted stitch worked from right to left, often with a drawn line for the needle to follow.
The couched cross stitch is a variation on a cross stitch, whereby a series of detached cross stitches is worked. The junction between the two elements forming the cross is fastened down. The same thread used to make the initial cross can be used, or a separate thread (usually in a contrasting colour).
The crested chain stitch is a composite stitch that combines a chain stitch and a coral stitch. It is used to make a broad, decorative braided band.
The Cretan stitch is worked by inserting the needle into the ground material and then bringing it up a few millimetres directly underneath.
See outline stitch. The term is also used for an irregular stem stitch in late nineteenth century crewel embroidery. GVE
The cross and twist stitch is a composite stitch that is worked by creating a cross stitch followed by a vertical straight stitch that pierces the ground material at the top and bottom of the cross stitch, and the thread is looped around the cross stitch in the centre, thus making a twisted chain stitch with a long tail. Also known as the moss stitch.
The cross stitch is a widely used technique, of ancient date, in the form of a simple, diagonal cross. It is normally classed as a counted thread form, because the stitch passes over two or more threads of the ground material.
The crossed buttonhole stitch is a variation on the 'normal' buttonhole stitch, whereby the vertical stitches are worked in an angle and cross each other in pairs.
The crossed corners cushion stitch consists of a square being formed by diagonal straight stitches, as a cushion stitch, followed by half of the square being overstitched by straight stitches being worked in the opposite direction.
Also known as the Scotch or Scottish stitch, this technique is basically a stitch formation and a form of diagonal stitch. It is formed by a series of straight stitches of varying lengths worked diagonally across the ground material, thus forming a square. An alternating or reversed cushion stitch is comparable, but the diagonal stitches are worked in alternating directions.
Damask darning is a pattern darning techique that creates a very close appearance of a damask or brocade weave. WV
Damask stitch is a nineteenth century English term given to satin stitch when it is worked upon linen for household purposes.