A chain ring is a length of crochet chain that is made into a ring by linking the ends of the chain using a slip stitch.
Knitting is a method by which yarn is used to create a looped fabric. The earliest recorded English usage of the word ‘knitting’ dates from 1598. Technically, knitting is not a form of decorative needlework, as a sewing needle is not used in its production. Nevertheless, it often features in publications about needlework.
Nålebinding is a looping technique used to produce a textile with a nålebinding needle and a thread. The technique involves passing the full length of the thread through each loop using a flat needle. The lengths of thread are pieced together during the working process. There are different ways of working the loops.
The basic structure of a pompom (also known as pompon, from French pompon) is made by winding a length of thread around a card template, removing the looped threads from the card, and then binding them tightly around the middle. The looped ends on both sides are subsequently cut through and then manipulated into the desired shape.
The collection of the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam includes a photograph, taken in the early twentieth century, of a woman sitting at a table and doing crochet. The photograph was part of a family album with photographs of wine seller Kraaij & Co.(Bordeaux - Amsterdam). The table is covered with a cloth made of tape lace.