Elaborate Embroidery: Fabrics for Menswear before 1815

Impression of the exhibition 'Elaborate Embroidery: Fabrics for Men's Wear before 1815', in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 2015. Impression of the exhibition 'Elaborate Embroidery: Fabrics for Men's Wear before 1815', in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 2015.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York mounted an exhibition in 2015 that focussed on the highly decorative upper class men's wear in France in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. It showed long lengths of cloth woven for a man's outfit, but never cut and sewn together. The exhibition included samples of embroidery for men's garments, worked between 1760 and 1815, mainly from France.

There was also a copy of the L'Art du Brodeur (Paris 1770) by Charles Germain de Saint-Aubin (1721-1786). This famous book provides information on all aspects of (French) embroidery at that time, such as techniques to prepare a fabric for embroidery, the threads required for specific types of embroidery, and many designs for clothes.

Exhibition website (retrieved 17th July 2016).

Digital source of illustration (retrieved 17th July 2016).


Last modified on Monday, 26 June 2017 16:18