• F3
  • F4
  • F2
  • F1


Exhibition starts with the quilt block ' Dutchman's breeches', to the left. The quilt to the right is called 'Birds in the Air'.Exhibition starts with the quilt block ' Dutchman's breeches', to the left. The quilt to the right is called 'Birds in the Air'.

Quilts from the first half of the 20th century.Quilts from the first half of the 20th century.

Hanging down the wall, a Star Burst quilt from the 1860's. Hanging down the wall, a Star Burst quilt from the 1860's.

Detail of an appliqué and embroidered quilt, 1840's.Detail of an appliqué and embroidered quilt, 1840's. 

A selection of quilts and quilttops from the 1880's and 1890's.A selection of quilts and quilttops from the 1880's and 1890's.

Three quilts from the early 20th century.Three quilts from the early 20th century.

Three historic quilts from 1916 (left), late 19th century (centre), and 1840's (right). The appliqué coat was made in early 21st century by Henny Vogelsang from Schagen, The Netherlands.Three historic quilts from 1916 (left), late 19th century (centre), and 1840's (right). The appliqué coat was made in early 21st century by Henny Vogelsang from Schagen, The Netherlands.

Two modern quilts by Lies van de Wege, The Netherlands.Two modern quilts by Lies van de Wege, The Netherlands.

'Chinese Coin' quilt, c. 1900.'Chinese Coin' quilt, c. 1900.

Amish quilt, late 19th century.Amish quilt, late 19th century.













































































































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Het TRC is open van maandag t/m donderdag 10.00 - 15.00.

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