The World of Hat. Ethnic Museum, Riga

The interior of the World of Hat Museum, Riga The interior of the World of Hat Museum, Riga

'The World of Hat', Ethnic Museum (sic) is the name of a specialist ethnographical museum that was opened in Riga, Latvia, in 2014. The museum is based on the private headgear collection of the Latvian anthropologist, linguist and traveller, Kirill Babaev. The collection was started in 2002 and now contains over 400 items.

The headgear is arranged in five rooms representing the five different continents. The headgear includes men and women’s forms, many of which are embellished with decorative needlework of some kind. The museum also started to collect footwear, as well as headgear.

Address: ‘The World of Hat', Ethnic Museum, 7 Vilandes, Riga, Latvia.

Museum website (retrieved 20th September 2017; the site is in English, Latvian and Russian).

Digital source of illustration (retrieved 19th June 2016).


Last modified on Wednesday, 20 September 2017 09:52