Sari Band (India)

Sari band, embroidered with the help of a printing block. Sari band, embroidered with the help of a printing block. Courtesy Textile Research Centre, Leiden, TRC 2008.0647.

The Textile Research Centre in Leiden, The Netherlands, houses a remarkable set of a printing block and two embroidery samples. The printing block and the two samples, including the sari band, illustrated here, originate from India and they date to the early 21st century. The other sample, or test piece, was worked with the help of the printing block.

The sari band was made with a printing block very similar to the block discussed elsewhere. The sari band measures 188 x 13.5 cm and is made of factory woven, black cloth with hand embroidery.

TRC online catalogue (retrieved 30 October 2016).


Last modified on Monday, 13 March 2017 18:30