The larger fragment shows the Visitation (Luke 1:39-56), which was the meeting between Mary and her cousin, Elizabeth. The second, smaller fragment shows part of the (preceding) Annunciation, when Mary was informed by the angel Gabriel that she was with child. The fragments are made of a linen ground material, embroidered with silver-gilt, silver, and silk threads. The threads are worked with surface couching and underside couching, satin and split stitch, and with laid and raised work and some padding. The figures and other elements of the embroidery were worked separately before being applied to the background.
Source: BROWNE, Clare, Glyn DAVIES, and M.A. MICHAEL (2016). English Medieval Embroidery: Opus Anglicanum, exhibition catalogue, London, Victoria and Albert Museum. London, Catalogue no. 81 (pp. 270-272).
V&A online catalogue (retrieved 15 February 2017).