Annunciation, c. AD 1450

Embroidered picture: The Annunciation. The Netherlands, c. AD 1450. Embroidered picture: The Annunciation. The Netherlands, c. AD 1450. Copyright Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, acc. no. 1990.330.

'The Annunciation' is an embroidered picture with a representation of the Archangel Gabriel announcing to the Virgin Mary the forthcoming birth of Christ with the words: Ave Maria gratia plena dominus tecum (Luke 1:28). It was made in the (southern) Netherlands around AD 1450, in the or nué technique, with silk and metal thread on linen. It measures 21 x 9.5 cm. 

The panel may originally have been part of a larger textile, as for instance an orphrey or eccleciastical vestment.

Metropolitan Museum of Art online catalogue (retrieved 9 November 2016).


Last modified on Friday, 09 December 2016 18:39