Sometimes a line of diagonal stitches is worked and then the process is reversed in order to create a cross. On other occasions a complete cross is worked before moving onto the next. The way of working the cross stitch often depends on how much wear the end product will experience (a carpet would be worked in a different method, cross by cross, than a picture on the wall). There are more ways for working a cross stitch.
The cross sttch is also known as the Berlin stitch, the point de marque, and the sampler stitch.
See also: bi-coloured cross stitch; couched cross stitch; couching with cross stitch; detached cross stitch; detached long armed cross stitch; half cross stitch; herringbone stitch; horizontal cross stitch; horizontal cross stitch couching; long-armed cross stitch; long-legged cross stitch; Montenegrin cross stitch; rice stitch; trammed cross stitch; trammed half cross stitch; two-sided Italian cross stitch.
Source: THOMAS, Mary (1934). Mary Thomas's Dictionary of Embroidery Stitches, London: Hodder and Stoughton, pp. 61-70.