Akhmim (Egypt)

Akhmim, Egypt. Limestone statue of Meryut Amon, discovered in 1981. Akhmim, Egypt. Limestone statue of Meryut Amon, discovered in 1981.

Akhmim is a city in Middle Egypt, which is historically known for its woven, and to a lesser extent embroidered and printed textiles. Thousands of textiles from the Roman period, and dating from approximately the third to sixth centuries AD, have been found in various excavations (official and unofficial). They were preserved due to the dry desert conditions.

Because of the early fame of the town as the origin of many ancient and medieval textiles, Akhmim was and continues to be used as the alleged ‘provenance’ of many textiles found at other places in Egypt.

See also the TRC Needles entry on Akhmim embroidery.

Digital source of illustration (retrieved 3 June 2016)


Last modified on Monday, 17 April 2017 20:08