Two angels are watching over the Virgin. There is a rectangular embroidery frame, with embroidery, to the extreme left, while the young woman seated next to it is working a piece of embroidery in her hand. Behind her is a seated girl working on a framed embroidery. It is not clear if the Virgin is sewing or embroidering. The young woman to the extreme right is cutting a piece of cloth with a pair of shears.
The medieval Latin text underneath the prints reads: Felix linum, felix lana! Dum te manus Mariana Sacris aptat usibus Inter opus quot lepores, In hoc choro quot amores Infundit virginibus!
Happy flax, happy wool ! When Mary’s hand sets you to its holy tasks, In working, how much charm, in this chorus, how much love does it instill into the maidens ! (translation by Marleen Audretsch).
British Museum online catalogue (retrieved 5 June 2016).