Embroidery stitches
A pearl stitch is mainly used for providing an outline for a certain motif or area. It consists of a small straight stitch, leaving a tiny loop on the obverse of the fabric. The needle is next brought up in the middle of the stitch, taken around the loop and fastened again by passing the needle and thread through the fabric, thus creating a little knot in the middle of the straight stitch.
The Pekinese stitch is a decorative technique made up of two elements that are combined in order to create a looped effect. It is also known as the interlaced back stitch, but also sometimes as blind stitch.
The Peking knot is characteristic for much of Chinese traditional embroidery in silk, whereby rows of these fine stitches are used to fill in the motifs. Other, more romantic names for this stitch are the blind stitch and the forbidden stitch.
Petit point is a term sometimes used for canvas embroidery stitches that are worked on single thread canvas over one or two horizontal threads of the ground. In particular it refers to the use of tent stitch, half cross stitch and rep stitch. The term can be used to describe both the stitch used and the end product, such as a petit point bag.
The plait stitch (also known as the Spanish stitch) should not be confused with the plaited, or herringbone stitch. It is generally worked on even weave cloth and creates a raised, dense and plaited surface.
The plaited braid stitch is a complex stitch with loops, which creates a wide border. It is worked downwards, and to achieve the desired effect, a heavier thread should be used. While working, the loops can temporarily be pinned in place.
Point croisé stitch is a version of a back stitch, in which two parallel lines of stitches are made on the front of the ground material by working an interlacing stitch in the form of a herringbone stitch on the reverse side of the cloth.